Tuesday, February 23, 2010

knowledge patterns

In an attempt to model Maya Lin's Wave Field as a series of instantiated parts that each contained a knowledge pattern, I encountered some resistance from Digital Project.


Attempts to control the high point of the surface in the design file resulted in oddities in the udf.

After multiple attempts to include additional parameters from the beginning of design failed miserably, I decided to take a different path.  


I created ten profiles to drive a multi-section solid.


 I was tempted to add parameters to drive the curves, but wanted to make sure that I could create a UDF from a solid (instead of a surface).


 And then the surface got some color:

The next step would be to find a way to edit the UDF such that the individual waves could be controlled by parameters or values in a spreadsheet.

Additional color studies: 

(p1.Color =   ToString(round(i*(200/sn)))+","+ToString(round(i*(500/cn)))+",500")

Monday, February 15, 2010

tutorial_six (knowledge patterns) in progress


Reducing the CURVENUMBER to 5:



Increasing the CURVENUMBER to 30 (the beige at the top is the new sections that have been created during the update):


I would like to replicate this section to create a construction like Maya Lin's Wave Field.  


I have determined so far that using a Document Template to instantiate a Knowledge Pattern does not work. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

tutorial five_document templates

This is what I started the other day, but it didn't really look or function like the form I was attempting to model.
So, I modified the geometry.

Instead of being multi-section cuts, the two cylindrical pieces were modeled as multi-section solids.  Also, two additional planes were introduced so that the ends could extend beyond the block.

The planes and dimensions of the profiles are linked parametrically to rule parameters such that no parameters are controlled in the product file.  

 When the document template was instiating from document multiple times to fill the grid, the failures of the part parameters were revealed.  In some cases the shell command could not be undertaken because the faces intersected.  In more extreme cases, certain geometric combination led to the cylindrical pieces leading to cusps, and therefore could not be drawn.  

And after adjusting the coupling and closing points on some of the parts:
 And four variations from altering the framework sketches.  Some of the voids did not work with the altered framework.

Monday, February 8, 2010

tutorial five_in progress

To work on the use of document templates, I chose to model this (an Ali Rahim piece from the 2008 "Home Delivery" exposition at MoMA):


Monday, February 1, 2010

tutorial four_raspberry fields shingles

For the powercopies assignment, I modeled the shingles used in Jason Payne's Raspberry Fields House (http://www.suckerpunchdaily.com/2010/01/18/raspberry-fields/).  The bend of the shingles is determined by the weather and warpage of the wood, whereas in my model the bend is driven by parameters.  

I started, much like the tutorials, by creating a grid using the rectangular pattern tool.


Originally I created a pad for the shingle driven by a spline profile and a length parameter, but I got this error:

So instead I created the shingles as a sweep, since they are powercopy-able.
And then the power-copying began.
It took six tries to get the design table to export correctly since there were glitches in my naming system.



And additional permutations from making changes to the spreadsheet:


And with added color: